Friday, July 18, 2008

Still Waiting on the Passport

The passport did not come today either. Now they say maybe Monday but "for sure" Tuesday. I think we will reserve a flight for Thursday to be safe and so that we don't have to rush around like mad once the passport is ready. I will try to keep the final days as stress free as possible.

We have been without hot water for several days. I was willing to stay put when I thought we might leave tomorrow. I just called Sasha to say we would have to move and he called the landlord who said she had an electric water heater she would come hook up tomorrow. Wish I 'd called 3 days ago!

We had a nice lunch today with Randy Hall and his children, Kristina and Connor. Oleg was also there as was Veronica, Katia and Ira.

Yesterday when Vitalik was in a bad mood, he "lost" a couple of bracelets I had given him. When we were out today I said "Maybe your bracelets are still in the park." "Maybe, Mama, big, big, maybe," he replied and took off running to see if they were still there. I was shocked when he found them.

I am trying to figure out something special we can do for Vitalik's birthday tomorrow. So if anybody reading this has any ideas, leave me a suggestion.

Pressing on.

1 comment:

Staci and Damon said...

Praying you get the passport soon! What restaurant are you eating at in your pictures? It looks like someplace we would like to visit since we're in Kiev for another week.