Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fun all over Ukraine

Wow. Two turns on the computer in one day. We got a call from our facilitator today after he met with the judge in Kyiv again. Apparently he is having trouble finding jurors as so many people are on vacation. So court in Kyiv is now scheuled for Friday, June 27th. Its all good with me. I always said if I could just get over here I didn't care how long I had to stay. I told V today "the only thing that matters is that I don't have to leave here without you ever again." So he's okay with it, too. I'd love to post a slideshow of some of the pictures we have taken but I don't know how. I am open to learning if anyone wants to send me instructions. In the meantime, I'll just post the pictures of some of our fun times. While in Kyiv, we have seen 2 movies, Kung Fu Panda and Indiana Jones, dubbed over in Ukrainian; we have rode lightning fast go-carts; played laser tags, resulting in a skinned knee, torn blue jeans and a skinned shoulder; we played games at the arcade; attended two concerts, Paul McCartney and Lenny Kravitz; ice skated; shopped at the supermarket daily; and walked over all town. (we are saving the museums for when Roman gets to Kyiv). In Lugansk, we stayed close to the orphanage but had tons of fun on the playground, on the soccer field, walking into the village, and playing UNO and computer games. There were only a handful of kids left at R's orphanage; most were gone to camp. The soccer games consisted of the Davies v. the rest of the kids. We did a little shopping there and tried a few restaurants but had gotten way too spoiled in Kyiv. It was more fun to sit in front of the magazine in Belaraschenka and people watch while we ate our Suharkie and drank our warm sodas. It was way too easy to understand why so many villagers live the way they do.
We are looking forward to our first train ride tomorrow night. We have booked a whole kupa so hopefully we will be able to sleep on the way. From the big city of Kyiv to the little village of Belareschenka..........I can't resist......what a long and winding road.

1 comment:

Leetha said...

My goodness you've accomplished so much in such a short time! It all sounds wonderful!

Zac and I leave Friday morning for Bela. We hope to see you there!